Saturday, March 21, 2015

Changing Gears

I'm heading into my last term of teaching ..... after 35 years.

A few months ago when I told my colleagues about my retirement, I was pretty adamant that they understand my plan to work til the end of June at my usual pace - no winding down, slacking off or daily countdowns for me! For the most part that's the way it's been however, I have come to realize that it won't quite be 'business as usual' for the next couple of months. My mind is increasingly preoccupied with thoughts of what's next - I am definitely feeling the changing of gears.

So, although I've blogged on and off over the years, I've decided that this unique and wondrous time deserves a fresh start. 'wattsup next' is going to be my place to share all these swirling thoughts, ideas, reflections, plans, start-up possibilities and so on.

I'm in the driver's seat, hand on the gear shift and heading out. Won't you join me and see what's up next?


  1. More learning and sharing I am sure is what is next. I have been learning with you since 1984 and look forward to wattsup!
