Monday, November 9, 2015


I've always loved knitting. I love the feel of the wool, watching a project unfold, and the peace of mind that comes from creative projects.
I remember watching my grandmother knit when I was young. I was fascinated by the repetitive actions and although I didn't think about it in these terms then, she definitely found her creative 'zone' when she knitted. She found peace in it and managed to pass that on to me. I used to help her wind the wool sometimes. I remember loving having a role to play, even then.
It was my mum who taught me to knit. She is also a very accomplished knitter and seamstress and loves to pass on the skills and the tricks of the trade when she has a chance. I had make a few attempts as a kid, but I was on maternity leave with Dan (almost 30 years ago!) when I had the urge to really begin taking knitting seriously. A small group of us gathered weekly for our little knitting 'club', held at my house and led by mum. We each did our own projects with mum there to troubleshoot whenever necessary. And for any of you who have learned to knit, there is always a fair bit of troubleshooting needed. Even now, every time I drop a stitch, my instinct is to yell "Help" hoping mum will come running.
I've knit a few things over the years but it has been a while since I've tackled a big project. I've been pretty excited about getting going again in retirement. I've been imagining cold January evenings with wool on my knee as we watch TV. Mmmmm, sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
So, I dug out the needles, looked through leftover wool and old patterns and started with a wee blankie for Vinnie, made from wool from an unfinished project from years ago. And imagine that, he loves it :)
That little project got me hooked again so I've spent some time at Lens Mill (what an amazing store!) browsing through the huge selection of wools. Patterns are now readily available online, so I've also been browsing those and making plans.
I decided not to be too ambitious to start, and chose an afghan made with Homespun Thick & Quick, which has a natural stripe in the fibres. So there isn't really a pattern, but you end up with these beautiful stripes. I chose a colour scheme called 'Granite' with muted blues, grays, tan, and a light cream. This is the afghan half finished.
It only took me 2 weeks to complete it and it's lovely and cozy. I'm so happy with it I that went back to Lens and got more wool and I'm on to the next project!
Christmas is coming after all.

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