"You see, idealism detached from action is just a dream. But idealism allied with pragmatism, with rolling up your sleeves and making the world bend a bit, is very exciting. It's very real. It's very strong." ~ Bono
I watched the swearing in of our new Prime Minister and his cabinet this week and was completely overcome with emotion during the ceremony. I clapped, I cheered, I cried, I stood for O Canada and sang my guts out. (Yes, I was in my own family room.) I have this sense that we are entering a whole new world - of inclusion - of positivity - of compassion. I haven't felt such optimism about the political landscape since Jack Layton.
Not everyone is as enthusiastic. There is plenty of hesitation and skepticism - no surprise - this is politics and for the past 10 years, we've had Harper politics. Canadians don't know or remember anything other than divisive, combatant, exclusive politics. But Justin Trudeau is promising something different. Real change. Right from the ground up. He has set such ambitious goals - goals for our environment, our First Nations peoples, women in the cabinet, a relationship with the provinces, the media, and new policies in every department. I believe that Justin's campaign promises were more than just campaign strategies, they were expressions of his deeply held beliefs. So keeping them should not be a challenge because they are what he truly believes in. And I don't want to spend a single second doubting that he and his team can do it. I just want to cheer him on. I want to join the team.
Trish and I have donated to and volunteered for the NDP party in the past couple of elections. We have good friends who work for the party and we've convinced many of our friends and family to support the NDP. We both voted NDP. But I have to confess that I am not disappointed in the results of the election. Quite the opposite. Trudeau is a motivational and inspirational leader with enormous potential. He has created a new and very different team, with strong skills and unique voices. They in turn will create teams and committees who share their strong values and ideals. He wants to include voices from all parties. The trickle down effect of this positivity has tremendous potential to evoke change into every community throughout our country.
In our schools we say that to have a truly inclusive classroom, our students must see themselves represented in the materials, language, visuals and conversations that happen on a daily basis. Only then will they be able to envision themselves as successful students. Canadians of different heritages, ages, abilities, looks sizes, genders and sexual orientations now see themselves reflected in significant positions in our government. And not only reflected, but truly celebrated for the voices they will bring to the discussion. Now, as a result of our new diverse cabinet, so many more Canadians can now envision themselves as leaders. As Canadians with voices that matter, that are respected, that deserve to be heard. The power of this cannot be underestimated.
I feel positive and optimistic. I am excited to see what transpires over the next weeks, months and years. Idealistic? Absolutely. And proud to be.
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